R and D - traducción al Inglés
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R and D - traducción al Inglés

D R and Quinch; D. R. and Quinch; DR and Quinch; D.R. and Quinch; D. R. & Quinch

Kernighan and Ritchie; K&R (disambiguation)

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Kernighan and Ritchie

Керниган и Ритчи

ссылка по фамилиям авторов (Brian Kernighan и Dennis Ritchie) на книгу по языку Си (The C Programming Language, Prentice-Hall, 1978), являющуюся де-факто стандартом языка

Смотрите также


  • x30px
  • 18th-century example of use of ''r rotunda'' in English blackletter typography
  • 20px
  • 20px
  • Early Greek Rho
  • Cursive R-rotunda
  • Letter ''R'' from the alphabet by [[Luca Pacioli]], in ''[[De divina proportione]]'' (1509)
  • x30px
  • The word ''prognatus'' as written on the [[Sarcophagus of Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus]] (280 BC) reveals the full development of the Latin ''R'' by that time; the letter ''P'' at the same time still retains its archaic shape distinguishing it from Greek or Old Italic ''rho''.
  • x40px
ℛ; Vōx canīna; R; R (letter); Ʀ (letter); Vox Canina; ASCII 82; ASCII 114; U+0052; U+0072; Vōx Canīna; Vox canina; Littera canīna; Littera canina; Letter R; Letter r
r noun pl. Rs, R's восемнадцатая буква англ. алфавита - the three R's
  • x30px
  • 18th-century example of use of ''r rotunda'' in English blackletter typography
  • 20px
  • 20px
  • Early Greek Rho
  • Cursive R-rotunda
  • Letter ''R'' from the alphabet by [[Luca Pacioli]], in ''[[De divina proportione]]'' (1509)
  • x30px
  • The word ''prognatus'' as written on the [[Sarcophagus of Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus]] (280 BC) reveals the full development of the Latin ''R'' by that time; the letter ''P'' at the same time still retains its archaic shape distinguishing it from Greek or Old Italic ''rho''.
  • x40px
ℛ; Vōx canīna; R; R (letter); Ʀ (letter); Vox Canina; ASCII 82; ASCII 114; U+0052; U+0072; Vōx Canīna; Vox canina; Littera canīna; Littera canina; Letter R; Letter r


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18-я буква английского алфавита

восемнадцатая буква англ. алфавита


простой углевод (моносахарид), содержащий на одну гидроксильную группу меньше, чем рибоза. Широко распространена в природе в составе углеводно-фосфатного скелета молекул ДНК.


D.R. & Quinch

D.R. & Quinch is a comic strip about two delinquent alien drop-outs. It was created by Alan Moore and Alan Davis for the British weekly comics anthology 2000 AD. It first appeared in 1983. The strip was the tale of how two alien teenage students Waldo "D.R." (for "Diminished Responsibility") Dobbs, a scheming criminal mastermind, and Ernest Errol Quinch, his muscular purple-skinned companion in crime, have influenced Earth's history in various anarchic ways.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para R and D
1. your R and D batches."
Sixpoint Craft Ales _ Shane Welch _ Talks at Google
2. called R and D, red and blue.
You're More Powerful Than You Think _ Eric Liu _ Talks at Google
3. doing R and D? Yes, I'd love to do that.
Momofuku _ David Chang _ Talks at Google
4. necessary for the middle class like education, R and D,
5. to the very bottom of R and D, both
Global Value Investing _ Thomas Russo _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de R and D
1. Samueli said the R and D Centre in Bangalore had developed mission critical system–on–a–chip designs.
2. If you start looking at a narrow body replacement for the A320 then you have three gigantic R and D sums," said Smith.
3. "The signing of these MoUs... marks a significant breakthrough for the R and D Needs of the Indian petroleum industry." "We have identified the technology needs of our industry and matched them with the capability of these two institutions.
4. Ginamic Solutions, a bio–tech company in Los Angles has agreed to set up a bio–tech park, R and D centre and a university between Bangalore–Mysore with Rs 400 crore investment, he said.
5. Modern manufacturing will benefit not just from the expansion of the R and D credit, but the growing role of the manufacturing advisory service, and a smaller number of business services offering more targeted support.